Congratulations to our November/December Students of the Month!

At our December 15th assembly, we announced our Students of the Month for November/December. Way to go Lydya, Alex, and Elli!
Here are the words their teacher's used to nominate them:
Lydya: Lydya is a wonderful in every way and she has such a kind heart. She is helpful to everyone and we are all so grateful for her caring attitude toward others. Thank you for being a great Hampton Hawk, Lydya!
Alex: Alex Polite is a H.A.W.K. in every way! She is so respectful and kind to staff and students. She is a responsible student and always focuses on doing her best. She is a role model to others! Alex also does a great job when working with a team of students. She shows teamwork, empathy, and listens to other group members' ideas. She also works hard to make sure everyone is included. Alex follows our social contract daily and is a delight to have in class!
Elli: Elli is a kind student that is respectful to everyone. She works hard in class, but also has fun! Elli-the junior high team is proud of your dedication to our social contract and always keeping on task!
Congratulations, students!!