Non-Resident Student Information

As a result of the exceptional education provided at Hampton School, we attract families who wish to enroll their students from outside the Hampton School District boundary. We review out-of-district student applications on an annual basis during the week following our in-person registration in July. Decisions regarding the acceptance or denial of out-of-district students are made during this period. Please note that the application window for out-of-district students for the 2024-2025 school year is currently closed. However, we welcome applications for the 2025-2026 school year, and they can be submitted at any time. See below for additional information regarding non-resident student admissions and expectations as well as the application.

Non-resident students may attend Hampton School District #29 upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval of the Board of Education, and subject to the following guidelines:

  1. The decision to accept a non-resident student is within the discretion of the Board, which may utilize any lawful factors in its decisions.
  2. The student will attend on a year-to-year basis.  Approval for any one year is not authorization to attend the following year.
  3. The student will be accepted only if there is sufficient room.
  4. The student must be a “student in good standing” in his or her resident district, as documented by an ISBE Student Transfer Form completed by the resident school.
  5. The student must not have any serious disciplinary infractions in their current and/or previous schools, including but not limited to behavior resulting in suspension and/or expulsion.
  6. Parents/guardians of non-resident pupils who attend the school will not be charged tuition but will be charged regular student fees as determined by the Board.
  7. Transportation to and from school shall be the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
  8. Parents/guardians of students and students enrolled under this policy shall be required to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the Board of Education and the administration.
  9. In accordance with Section 14-8.01 of the Illinois School Code, and as a condition of admitting or continuing the enrollment of any non-resident special education student, the resident district of a special education student (or the parent or guardian if the parent or guardian lives outside the State of Illinois) must agree to be responsible for programming and financing special education and related services for the student.  In addition, a non-resident special education student seeking to enroll in Hampton School District #29 must submit an ISBE Student Transfer Form completed by the student’s resident school.
  10. Misrepresentation of facts in connection with a non-resident student’s application for enrollment is grounds for denial of enrollment or disenrollment.
  11. If approved to attend, the student is expected to maintain high standards of academics, behavior, and attendance. 
    1. Behavioral Expectations: Serious disciplinary infractions while in Hampton, including but not limited to behaviors resulting in suspension or expulsion could result in the immediate rescinding of enrollment and the requirement to enroll in the district of their attendance boundary. 
    2. Attendance Expectations: If the student is chronically absent (averaged daily attendance less than 90%) it could result in the immediate rescinding of enrollment and the requirement to enroll in the district of their attendance boundary.