General Information
Hampton students have many opportunities to participate in athletics. Interscholastic sports are offered to fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. Boys’ interscholastic sports consist of basketball, cross country, football, volleyball, and track. Interscholastic competition for girls is offered in cross country, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and track. Scholastic Bowl is also offered to both boys and girls starting in sixth grade. These sports do NOT require a tryout and there is NO fee to participate in each of these activities. Lastly, a physical examination (sports physical) must be on file in the nurse's office prior to practicing or competing.
Interscholastic sports take place outside of regular school hours and are in addition to the regular physical education program. Students involved in sports must remain academically eligible to participate. Eligibility requires that a student maintain passing grades (D or above) in all subjects. For more details on these programs, please use the side navigation under Hampton Sports to get to the appropriate section.
***Don’t forget to schedule your sports physical this summer if you plan on participating in fall sports***